In my eyes, successful architecture functions as the perfect stage for every day life. The built environment is meant to enhance the little things of everyday life, while trying to relate these to much larger topics. Therefore, architecture can also be powerful to shape our lives (for good or for bad), which is why I decided to pursue architecture as a career. Here you will be able to see my work and explorations of these concepts.
I am also a self taught photographer and I have been interested in photography since middle school. Since then, photography has kept fascinating me more everyday. Here you will be able to see my work, as well as the way in which I explore and try to break through the boundaries of photography.
That's me
One of the ideas that shaped my understanding of photography as it is, was the notion that photography has been known as a medium which is meant to capture the real world, limiting its potential to what's real. Due to this, I remember reading once, that several art institutions around the world did not consider photography as an art, since it just captured things that already existed, while other art mediums allowed artists to bring their idea to life from scratch. This has been the main objective behind my work: showing that photography is able to create art just as any other medium.
Overall, my work was meant to show people that anything has the potential to become art. If we close our minds to think that art is just the embodiment of the artist's mind, then we are limiting art to things that can be done by humans, instead of embracing the beauty of everything that is already around u,s and understanding that all of that is also art. It is true that photography just captures reality, but what people tend to forget, is that the moments captured will never happen again. Not two sunsets are the same, not two smiles are the same, and not two pictures are the same.
Art imitates reality, photography just makes sure that reality does not fade away for the world to see it forever.